Mark S Herzog Reunion 414 11.23.2021

The Valley of Houston Scottish Rite presents the Mark S Herzog Reunion 414 beginning on Saturday, January 29. 2022 in honor of departed Valley member Mark S Herzog, Knights Commander Court of Honour. 

The event takes place over a three-week period, ending on Saturday, February 12, 2022.  All 29 degrees will be conferred.  Terminal degrees 4, 14, 18, 30, and 32 join the 31st Degree on the final day of the event, giving those who may have missed an earlier date an opportunity to receive all 29 degrees by the end of the reunion.

Brother Herzog was a well-respected member of the Houston Valley.  His perpetual smile and warm greetings will be remembered.  His willingness to help and desire to serve the Valley encouraged all to participate.  Brother Mark became a Master of the Royal Secret in 2010.  He served many years as Vedic Poet on the 32nd Degree team.  A long student of history, he was a member of the Houston Masonic Library and Museum Foundation Board of Directors.  At the time of his passing, Brother Herzog was serving on the Valley Board of Trustees.  He was an endowed member of Gray Lodge 329, where he served as Treasurer, and Temple Lodge 4 where he was Junior Warden for the 2020-21 masonic year.

A Houston independent insurance agent since 1977, Brother Herzog was a fifth-generation native Houstonian.  Among his hobbies were agricultural pursuits, communicating with nature and working with farm animals.  He is survived by his wife of 30 years, Colette, three daughters and three grandchildren. 

Fees can be paid through PayPal HERE or at the door.  Petitions and Degree Fees may be downloaded from the link HERE.  Reunion fees are $275.  Please make sure your lodges have this information and encourage you fellow Master Masons to seek further light through Scottish Rite Masonry.